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What is in my basket this February

Vegetables: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celeriac, chicory, jerusalem artichokekale, kohlrabi, leeksparsnipspotatoes (maincrop)purple sprouting broccoli, salsify, shallots, swede, truffles (black) [i], turnips

Fruit & nuts: bananas (Windward) [i], blood oranges [i], clementines [i], kiwi fruit [i], lemons [i], oranges [i], passion fruit [i], pineapple [i], pomegranate [i], rhubarb

Meat: guinea fowl, hare, partridge, turkey, venison

Fish & seafood: clams, cockles, dab, dover sole, gurnard, haddock, halibut, hake, langoustine, lemon sole, lobster, mackerelmusselsoysters, red mullet, salmon, scallops (queen), skate, turbot, winkles

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