By Lea Harris

If you're a regular reader of Bite, you'll know I tweak and twist the classics. Well this recipe is no exception. With no hard and fast rules, throw in what you fancy, but whatever you do, the cordial must be a thick, high fruit one, I use Pixley Berries or you could make your own. I dislike the texture of white bread, which is normally used, hence brioche or cake (chocolate sponge is a fav). Even if it's peeing down, let summer reign!
Summer Pudding Enough for 4-6.
2lb of mixed berries, cherries and blackcurrants (if using)
Blackcurrant cordial
Sliced brioche or cake
Caster sugar to taste.
Line a 2-pint pudding basin with clingfilm.
Make up ¼ pint of cordial with water and sugar to taste. Bring to the boil in a saucepan.
Reduce heat, add cherries and blackcurrants (if using), leave to simmer for about 3-4 mins, then add halved strawberries and the rasps. Remove from heat.
Line the bowl with the brioche or cake, pressing firmly against the sides. Drain the fruit, reserving the juice.Add the fruits to within ¼ inch of top of the bowl and cap with brioche or cake.
Place a plate on top and weight down. Leave in fridge overnight.
Unmold the pudding; pour some of the juice over the top. Serve the rest with a healthy glug of cream and any remaining fruit.