The Great East Lothian Menu competition, created by the food producers collective, East Lothian Food and Drink, invites Scottish foodies to create their perfect dish using ingredients produced in the region.
There are two competition categories:
Home Cooks and Professionals.
Home Cooks are asked to incorporate at least two East Lothian ingredients, while professionals need to include five.
The competition runs until 7 November. Entries can be emailed or entered via social media channels using the hashtag #EastLothianCooks and should include a photograph and a short recipe.
Entries will be scored and evaluated by a local panel of judges. Pete Eccles, Farmers Weekly 2020 Farmer of the Year, food producer and co-founder of Lothian Larder at Saughland Farm in Midlothian; Kylie Reid, founder of online community Egg, entrepreneur and self-confessed foodie; and David Jamieson, Executive Chef at Archerfield and one of Scotland Food and Drink’s 2021 Food Tourism Ambassadors.
Chris Luca, Chair of East Lothian Food & Drink, said:
“East Lothian boasts some of Scotland’s finest food and drink, and we believe, some of Scotland’s finest chefs and home cooks too! What better way to bring these two together and celebrate the endless food possibilities provided to us on our doorstep."
Winners will be announced on Friday 12 November 2021, with hundreds of pounds of East Lothian gift vouchers awarded to the three highest-scoring dishes.